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Dental Assistant Portland

Dental Assistant Graduation – Got What it Takes?

Dental Assistant Graduation for our winter class. Congratulations to all of our wonderful students! We had a full house last night at the Marriott for our graduation ceremony. It’s wonderful to see the amount of support our students receive from family and friends! The time passes quickly when you study hard and are totally involved with learning what is required of you. These students made new life-long friends and were encouraging to each other in a very positive way. We look forward to seeing them in the future and watching them grow in their new career!!

Dental Assistant Graduation

da-portland-pigs-footIs that a pigs foot????? Why yes it is!! Here at Elite Dental Assisting Academy we believe the students should get a feel for placing sutures on one of the closest things to human skin. Although Dental Assistants can’t place sutures, if they understand how they’re put in they can better understand how to take them out.

An absolute PERFECT day for the beginning of  class!! The sun was shinning, blossoms everywhere, and excited students ready for a new beginning!! They have just ended their second week of class and are finishing up three certifications! Our  students are a fantastic, enthusiastic group ready to accomplish their goals!!!

da-portland-studentIs Dental Assisting a career for you? We are enrolling now for our next sessions, so don’t wait!!! Call us now at 360-433-0788, or email us for more information and to see if you qualify.

One Response to “Dental Assistant Graduation – Got What it Takes?”

  1. Nancy R. says:

    I am so excited about taking this dental assistant class. I Have heard nothing but great things so I have signed up for the next session. 🙂